Castle Cliffe Visit
OPUS Bookclub trip to Cliffe Castle 17 th May
A group of students from the OPUS Book club enjoyed a trip to Cliffe Castle. It linked to two of the books we have been reading How to Bee by Bren McDibble Extraordinary Birds by Sandy Stark McGuinnis.
We met the resident beekeeper who shared her knowledge of beekeeping, their habits and the possible future if we don’t look after our bees, which is the subject of ‘How to Bee’.
Our students made artworks of their favourite pollinators. The results can be viewed in the library.
After a fabulous al-fresco picnic lunch in the sunshine, we had a presentation on taxidermy,
something covered in ‘Extraordinary Birds’. We learnt about the techniques of stuffing animals and the after-care of displays and went into the museum to look at their collection of preserved wildlife.